Hello blog. I've missed you, sort of. Actually, I've been having a really good time in real life. Trying to really stay present in each moment. Remembering who I am, getting back to basics, to the things I know for sure, what matters most. I can't believe its been so long. I'll let the photos do most of the talking.
We finished up T-ball season. The boy was totally in his element. He was sad it was over "already".

My babygirl turned...
Spring finally came!
With summer not far behind.
My middle girl wow'd us all at her violin recital. I'd post a video but we're having technical difficulties getting it out of hubster's phone and onto my 'puter for some reason. You'll just have to trust me. It was amazing. :)

I got busy around the house. I've been painting my head off. I've painted the kitchen and all the bedrooms. Here's our totally redone room. It used to be dark, cozy, brown walls, red curtains, and very, um..."lived in". Not anymore.
I can't believe that is the view of my room from my bathroom. I want to take a nap now. :)