Ok, its actually not 1982, and these aren't pictures of Fantasyland Roller Rink in Lawrence, KS, the most awesome-est place ever for 10 year olds (and everyone else) where I grew up. NO! This is Skate King, of Bellevue, WA taken this afternoon for Middle Girl's most awesome-est 7th birthday party! And yes, it does look, smell, and sound just the same as it did in 1982, since my awesome-est husband used to frequent this place back in 1982, and he says it hasn't changed a bit.

Yep, we were kickin' it old school this afternoon, celebrating the 7th year of our favorite middle girl. Oh my, 7? Can it be already? 7 years ago, I got to experience the magical, almost pain-free natural labor to bring this beautiful girl into the world. (seriously, folks, an aspirin would have made it totally painless until the last 15 minutes or so..then...not so much, but I digress...) This is the girl obsessed with the violin since the first time she saw one at age 2, and is now impressing everyone with her musical skills. If I could figure out how to post at least an audio clip of her playing, I would. She's spunky, funny, adventurous, and ready to tackle anything. She's really a great kid, and I can't wait to see what God has in mind for her.
One more day of "summer" (I use the term loosely, considering its supposed to be 40 degrees outside when we wake up tomorrow), and then its back to school, and everything else. I'm ready. We actually have had some lovely Fall weather the past few days, chilly mornings, and sunny afternoons, with just a hint of crispness that is so comforting. Perfect sweatshirt weather. We may have a few more warm days ahead, but I'm ready for the routines of Fall, the sights, smells and yummy things that go along with the season.
Happy 7th Birthday, girlfriend. You're the awesome-est!!!
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