The angel represents how I want to feel everyday, all the time. I like to look at her while I do dishes, when I'm usually not feeling that way. I also like to look at these...

They're my Mother's Day flowers.
We worked in the garden this morning, in the drizzly, overcast day. And then, amazingly, this happened...

Glory Be, the sun came out and it was in the 7o's, tomorrow its supposed to hit 90! 80's all weekend!!! Monday, its supposed to be 55 and raining. We'll enjoy it while it lasts. The best part about the above sprinkler moment, is that the boy chose his floatation device suit, instead of his trunks, you know, just in case.
The littlest bit wasn't into the sprinkler thing. But she sure is cute. And she's the proud owner of those toes I showed you yesterday.

Tomorrow, its errands with the 3 littlest, the biggest has a pool party to go to in the afternoon, (could the timing be better weather-wise?), and then hubby man and I get a date night...we're hoping to see Prince Caspian! THEN, I get a Saturday to myself. What will I do with all that time? I'm sure I'll think of something....
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