I've just finally gotten the hang of knitting, and it just feels so good to be creating something, even when I'm just plopped on the couch. I'm in the middle of my first real project, a really cute little bag that's coming along pretty well. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it really turns out.
Today is an ordinary day. Drizzly and on the cool side. I am so ready for Summer! We had 3 days of 80's last weekend, and now I'm hooked. I want more!
Lately, as I've been browsing around the blog world, I'm getting so inspired by so many of you out there. My goodness, you are so creative! I need to quit thinking about being more creative with the kids, and just sit down and DO something creative with them. My boy needs some serious "hands on" time. He is very imaginative, but its mostly in the realm of costumes and sword fighting. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just know that I've neglected putting those tools and time into our day to just let 'em have at it. Last year, when we were homeschooling, it was kind of an automatic part of our day, "hands and brains" time we called it. But, now that 2 of them are in school, I guess I've gotten lazy about it. I need to find that balance between feeling like I need to do everything in a day, on a basic schedule and feeling guilty if I don't get it all done, and just a free for all keep the kids busy no matter what it is they're doing kind of day, including too much screen time. I see lots of good books to review out there, and a big ole summer stretching out before me. I'll try to incorporate more crafty, creative outdoor stuff this summer, and tell you all about it.
Today, I'm thankful for...
Birds singing me awake this morning, along with the sound of the rain.
My baby's super close up smile first thing in the morning, as she tries to get me to open my eyes to look at her. A smile first thing in the morning is a good thing. Too bad I didn't have my camera right then.
That all my loved ones are alive and healthy.
The beginnings of a tan (hey, they can't all be profound)
Enough food in the pantry and money in the bank.
That God has opened my heart and mind to his truth, and calls me his child.
More soon...
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